Eco Church

Over the past two or three years, in an effort to care more for the Earth, God’s wonderful creation, various members and friends at Garstang URC have been undertaking projects and changing the way we do things.

This was coordinated by Management Committee, where John Allen was an enthusiastic champion. We have been measuring our improvements against standards suggested by the Christian charity A Rocha, who work with churches and other organisations in practical ways to show that the Gospel is good news for the environment.

Our achievements to date have been assessed in four categories:
• our worship and teaching
• how we look after our buildings and land
• how we engage with our local community and support global campaigns
• the personal lifestyles of our congregation.
… and we have been given a Silver Award.

The challenge now is to maintain and increase our activities, encouraging others to do the same, so that together we can lessen our impact on the environment.

There will be more news about this in the months ahead as we have more opportunities to make a real difference. Let’s all play our part.

Management Committee

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