Church Tapestries
The five Tapestries were designed by Mrs. Anne Stanley and worked by ten church ladies, who met fortnightly in each other’s homes. Here they exchanged the tapestry they had been working on, so that each tapestry was not the work of one person. Before they even attempted to start work they had lessons, (some of them never having tried this kind of work before), in the ten different stitches to be used, and how to follow the charts exactly.
The tapestries were started in September 1984 and completed in May 1986.
The five tapestries depict:
- The Three Wise Men journeying to see the baby Jesus,
- Jesus blessing the Children,
- Jesus calling the Fishermen on the sea of Galilee,
- A history of the key events in the life of the Church and
- Above the communion table hangs the tapestry of the Risen Christ.
The tapestry of the Risen Christ includes a copy of the signatures of the ladies who sewed them.
A rededication service was held for the tapestries in May 2006. A highlight of the service was a short reminiscence between two of the original seamstresses. A copy is attached here
Pictures of the tapestries can be found in the church art photo gallery on this website. A book with more details is to be found at the front of the Church on the shelf near the organ.